Japanese Restaurant
A Japanese Restaurant site with Login and Signup Work in progress, this is a team effort.
Snake the Game
The Game that everyone knows whoever owned a Nokia phone before smartphones were a thing, as browser version written in Vanilla JavaScript
This is my biggest project yet, a cosmetic website which I designed with the help of my wife and build, using the framework foundation Zurb.
In this project, I build a responsive, mobile-friendly registration form using a wide variety of HTML form input types and attributes.
Sass Sample Page
With this project, I created a sass template, using partials, variables, extends, and mixins. In order to use it quickly to style other pages.
Photo Gallery
In this project, I created an interactive photo gallery using JavaScript and jQuery. I implemented a search function in order to search for individual photos. When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the photo will display in a lightbox. With forward and back arrows, you can circle through the gallery.
Game Show App
In this project, I created a browser version of “Wheel of Success”, a word guessing game where players will click letters from an onscreen keyboard to try to guess a random phrase.
Web App
In this project, I created a web dashboard complete with JavaScript-driven charts and graphs.
Employee Directory
In this project, I created a employee directory with an API which randomly generated employees data, 12 employees I displayed on the page with their photo and personal data. When you click the employee’s image or name, a modal window with more detailed information will open.